
Below are best practices we expect you to apply for the sample and the full projects you submit to our Solution Engineers


The sample project review is to make sure that :

  • You understood the concept of slices and slice variations
  • Used Slice Machine to create these slices (at least 3 slices, that are not from our starters)
  • You used the latest Prismic kits in your Next, Nuxt or SvelteKit project

The sample project needs to have at least 3 slices built with Slice Machine and have a functioning slice-simulator.

You can install Slice Machine on top of a Next.js, Nuxt.js or Sveltekit app.

  • For the set up you can follow the steps from our documentation.
  • To follow a step by step course on how to build a Next.js app with Prismic take a look at the Prismic Academy.
  • For video tutorials on how to build a website with Prismic from A to Z you can go in this Youtube playlist.


Are slices website sections?+

Do slices use enough variations? Do you avoid excessive use of CSS properties in configuration fields?+

Do you use external data into slices?+

Do slices and their variations have screenshots?+

Templating into React/Vue

Are the kits up to date?+

HTML serializer in Rich Text fields (components property of PrismicRichText)+

Should you use custom labels somewhere?+

Is isFilled helper used to check if a field is filled?+

Make sure React/Vue components are in the slices folders+


Are you using the route resolver?+

Slice Simulator

Did they use the Slice Simulator?+

Content Relationships

Are you using Content Relationships?+

Media management

Are you using responsive views?+


Are you using Typescript?+

CDN Endpoint

Are you targeting the CDN endpoint?+